Monday, January 22, 2007

Strauss on Philosophy

... to the question "What is philosophy?":

"To philosophize is to be conscious of the absolute transitoriness of all that is human, but at the same time as if one had all eternity at one's disposal, to search for the truth -- with complete calm, without any hurry -- always with urgency, but never hurried -- with the courage for a graceful venture, and constantly prepared to begin from the very beginning."

~Leo Strauss, Note from April 1, 1937

1 comment:

Nick Pappas said...

Thanks for the quote. It is good, very good advice.

Nick Pappas,


"All there is to thinking," he said, "is seeing something noticeable which makes you see something you weren't noticing which makes you see something that isn't even visible." ~Norman F. MacLean, A River Runs Through It